I’m Emma While, the founder of Courage & Chamomile, and I’m passionate about empowering mothers like you to not just believe in themselves as a mother, but to believe in & BECOME their full selves within & beyond motherhood. To find more wild-hearted purpose & open-hearted joy beyond the day to day trudge. To consciously curate a more aligned, balanced, meaningful & fulfilling motherhood experience. For the good of ourselves, our family & this world we call home. I’m a NLP practitioner, coach, teacher, international family sleep & wellbeing specialist, mindfulness teacher & motherhood mentor. And, I’ve worked with hundreds of mothers just like you: Who know they have a spark within them that needs to get out… And who are ready to say YES to becoming who they truly are so they can create the life, purpose, & family they know they deserve. If you're ready to BECOME that woman go to www.courageandchamomile.com/become to unleash your magic x