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Valentine’s Day Poem for Parents


The lights dim

The wine pours

The music plays

The candle flickers


Eyes lock

Hands touch

Senses Tingle

Heads lean together


You whisper to me:

Did we leave enough diapers?


Just wanted to give a shout out to all the parents out there — who probably won’t get any ”alone time” this Valentine’s Day.    Of course, you’re not alone in being not alone.

Happy Valentine’s Day,   Stark Raving Dad  (


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- 9 Feb 19



The lights dim

The wine pours

The music plays

The candle flickers


Eyes lock

Hands touch

Senses Tingle

Heads lean together


You whisper to me:

Did we leave enough diapers?


Just wanted to give a shout out to all the parents out there — who probably won’t get any “alone time” this Valentine’s Day.    Of course, you’re not alone in being not alone.

Happy Valentine’s Day,   Stark Raving Dad  (

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Sanderson Dean is an Emmy-award winning copywriter in the wonderful world of entertainment advertising. From NYC to LA, he’s worked on thousands of movies, tv shows, and video games for numerous movie studios, television networks, and advertising agencies. And after more than 20 years in the business, it’s a safe bet you’ve seen, heard, or read some tiny tidbit of entertainment advertising he’s spent countless hours toiling over. But perhaps his biggest accomplishment – is surviving his two boys. He now resides in San Francisco, still copywriting for Hollywood, and using his spare time to write poems about poop and other messes. Sanderson’s new, humor book STARK RAVING DAD comes out May 7th from Running Press. Illustrated with art from his two boys – and packed with poems covering everything from plunging toilets, to being puked on, to grinding up Star Wars figures in the garbage disposal!

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